Help me help Maryland.
I know we can keep Maryland a great place to live and work -- and make it better -- if we invest in our future. And I know we can invest smart -- doing more with less, not less with less -- in education, the environment, health care, public safety, and transportation.
Will you help?
Click here to give by credit card.
To contribute by check, please mail to:
Friends of Jim Rosapepe
PO Box 700
College Park, MD 20740
Every contribution counts, no matter how large or how small.
Thanks for your support!
Important: A person may contribute directly or indirectly no more than $6,000 to one political committee, and a total of $24,000 to all political committees, during the four-year cycle. The $6,000 limit on contributions to the political committee of a candidate applies regardless of the number of offices sought by the candidate in separate elections during the 4 year election cycle or the number of authorized candidate committees formed to support the candidate, including slates. A political committee may transfer no more than $6,000 to another political committee during the four (4) year cycle. There is no aggregate limit.